Chocolate cookie dough ice cream with chocolate fudge sauceĀ 

When I created my chocolate chip cookie dough bites (which if you’ve not made yet then you need to, sharpish) it reminded me how much we used to love Haagen Dazs cookie dough ice cream back in the day (before I ditched the dairy and sacked off the sugar).

I actually had a little bit of a lightbulb moment – I already had the cookie dough, so all I needed to make was the ice cream! Now vegan and sugar free ice cream doesn’t sound in itself too enticing, but you’d be surprised, once you try this you won’t be able to tell it apart from the regular stuff! In fact I actually think it tastes better (biased though we might be) as it’s super creamy and perfectly sweetened, but made with only natural ingredients.  Continue reading